Samstag, 14. September 2013

Munich Women’s Run von WIA

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Are you ready for a physical late summer challenge?

As the ancient romans use to say "Mens sana in corpore sano" (a healthy mind in a healthy body), what better than a run in good company to help relief some of your working stress and boost your energy to face to long winter ahead?

Having said this, we would like to propose you to take part into the Munich Women's Run, which will take place on September 14th at the Olympiapark.

The distances on which you can challenge yourselves are 5 or 8 Kilometers walking or running and you will not be alone in your effort but the idea is to sign up in groups of 3, based on the desired distance and speed.

In case you are interested, we would like to organize a couple of training runs (i.e. once a month in July and August), to get ready for the event and, more important, to share a cup of coffee and a well earned piece of cake among us afterwards.

The current price to sign up is 23.9 euros until the number of participants reaches 1000, then it will go up to 27.9 euros.

Here is more information. Let us know if you are interested  by the end of June by sending an email to with your name and target running/walking distance so we can plan the teams and start training to reach our goals!

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